Gridley, IL Streets and Sidewalks

Streets and Sidewalks

Gridley’s streets and alleys are overseen by Village staff. They identify streets in need of repair and work with the Village Board in prioritizing streets projects. Mark Peterson is the Streets and Sidewalks Superintendent.

Sidewalks that present a safety issue are also identified and prioritized for replacement as time allows.
Residents who want an existing sidewalk replaced or wish to add a new sidewalk where one does not currently exist, should contact Village Hall at 309-747-2000.

The Sidewalk Replacement Policy

The homeowner is responsible for paying the following:

  1. Tearing out the old sidewalk
  2. Preparation and forming
  3. Pouring of new sidewalk
  4. Removal of forms
  5. Filling in dirt around new sidewalk

The village is responsible for:

  1. Removing the old sidewalk from premises
  2. Paying for the concrete

Homeowner must have the forming approved by the street superintendent prior to pouring the new sidewalk to make sure the sidewalk height, width and depth are correct.

The concrete bill must be submitted to the village clerk within 5 days of receipt.